Filmszenen I Andauernd Nov. 13th, 2010 - Feb 14th, 2011 Ninety afternoon/early morning strolls....
Day 90
two rabbits scampering over a piece of lawn which recently came out of the snow.
Jan13th - Feb 14th. We´re done. We´re done? No we´re not. We do have to have a daily walk as accompanying measures to our The Art Of Eating experiment.
Day 89 ...landscape, landscape...and a jack wolfskin jacket walker shivering from cold air.
Day 88 walk today. photo: archive.
Mrs ignatz napping the sleep of the just.
Day 87. ...temperatures rising, water dripping all over the place, people keep murmuring the word "spring" like a mantra of hope...
view into a gutter with water and water dripping from the shingles
Day 86 ...forgot camera. nevertheless ran around like weevils. Photos: archive. This is not the transfer hall and check in counters of a smaller airport. This is a cinema. a cine-maxx. Fourteen theatres in one.
part of the first floor
moving stairs, shoveling in moviegoers direction ticket counters
the ticket counter zone. Usually people form long queues at every counter. The cinema is a big meeting point for all sorts of ethnical groups. Just put yourself in line and listen to their conversations. You´ll experience totally new worlds, and get a clue of the very latest tendencies in youth and young adults culture...
Day 85...winter garden...
front: woman seated at a table back: look out of the winter garden windows into a winterly landscape .
Day 84
....and all of a sudden: sun. In Bavaria this is called a donated day.
sunny landscape with rests of melting snow.
Day 83 no walk today
Day 82.... mom and dad revitalising good old memorys from when they were young on a sunny sunday morning.. Still cutting a fine figure dancing to the music. Title: La vie en rose.....
Our local hockey stadium on sunday morning open for everybody for ice skating.
Day 81....light and shadow on a bavarian porch.
Day 80...walking to Föching on a sunny day...
back. village of Föching front: own shadow in the snow.
Day 79.... fir trees with REIF.
Day 78
...this tree was a big and healthy "show tree" in the middle of our street. ...Cut down from one moment to the next.
stump of a cut down big ahorn tree. No rests of the tree lying around. They tried to blur traces of their homicide as fast as possible.
Day 77.
: ...funny joke: the leaflet saying Spring at last today in our mailbox.
back: snowy winter landscape. front: leaflet with headline : "Spring at last!"
Day 76
no walk today.
Day 75....a tree covered with powdered sugar.
tree sprinkled with white ice crystals in German called REIF.
Day 74...another japanese ink drawing....
snowy landscape with an alley and sun hidden in fog.
Day 73...this is where the witch from Hansel and Gretel is living.
old youth style villa peeping out of a screen of big old trees in Gmund.
Day 72....another foggy winter day.
street crossing with trees and a barn in winter snow.
Day 72 no walk today. photo: archive. ...some winter days make landscape looking like japanese wash drawings...
Foggy landscape with trees and a farm house in the snow. composition like paintings from Jan van Goyen->
Day 71....another sample of bavarian miracles. This bush gets his electrified look by sticking it´s branches into a power plug from time to time ...
japanese decoration tree with corscrew branches.
Day 70 in Bavaria we have a lot of miraculous things, one of the lesser spectaculous samples is a pile of rose coloured glowing snow....
Pile of snow during a traffic red light phase.
Day 69 ...nice sunset, watched from the window of our cosy and warm flat. Outside temperatures minus 10 degree Celsius, nose biting wet and cold air.
Day 68..
Day 64 .....last warm hours....
Day 63 I had to fetch my bike to get a coffee ..
Day 62 no walk. sunday.
Day 61...sunset over lake Tegern ...
Day 60....hidden beauty...
Day 59
....windy day...
Day 54 - 58
in stock, yet to come.
Day 53
...gloomy sunrise twilight time ....
Day 52...Proof Of Live (walking)....
Day 51
Day 50
....the first sleigh ride ever...
Day - cross ski trail...
Day 48.. slope ten meters long for beginners later they drive down from mountain peaks into the valley...
Day 47 indoor...."baby it´s cold outside"...
Day 46 ....two local triathets - really hard guys....
Day 45
Day 44..a cold morning on the vegetables and fish market ...
Day 43
Day 42 ...classical winterly pleasures on the frozen local fire pond...
Day 41 ...that´s how streets are looking everywhere now. Natural transport medium for footwalkers : nordic skies.
Day 40...coming home from sleighing armed with every possibly needed prop...
Day 39 ..looks nice, doesn´t it?...
Day 38 - Day 44 .. snow, more snow, Christkindl-market Landsberg am Lech, impressions streets of Landsberg, Mount Wendelstein in the first daylight and last but not least: fresh powdery snow on christmas eve.
Max S. might not be able to swim in a foot of cowshit, we however are struggling to walk in a foot of heavy wet snow on top of a strato of black ice. That´s so extremely difficult - we think Max wouldn´t be the only one to run up the white flag after the first one hundred meters...

Day 37..forth of count down....
click auf das Bild, um es im Originalzusammenhang auf zu betrachten
Day 36 production ...
Day 35
Day 34
Day 33....enough wood in store to keep us warm...
walked...without camera. Couldn´t find it. (weird excuse) Found it the next day...underneath our desk on the floor....
Day 32
Day 31
Day 30 3rd Advent.

(" I´m cold! - I´m sick!")
Day 29 an old flemish masterpiece painting...
Day 28
...powdered sugar on a tree...
Day 27 morning...
Day 26
Christkindl-Market Augsburg
Day 25 ...wall picture on a nearby village
Day 24

Day 23 ..crossing the center of HoKi with X-mas tree and X-mas market...
...we confess we substituted jogging with nordic walking. The cold temperatures don t allow heavy breathing...
Day 22
no walk today. Looking out of the window into the cold cold afternoon.
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17 ...this is just a first sprinkle...
Day 16

Bildquelle, Bildrechte: Janosch.
Day 15.. this is not Alaska....
Day 14..our marketplace in first winter snow...
Day today? none.
Day 13....
droodle: where are the cats?
Day 11 comment...
Day 10. ....these flags indicate that a person living in this house has climbed a high mountain
Day 9
...the usual city park pic on a foggy cold sunday afternoon in Messestadt West, Munich.
Day 8
...swear we ran around longer than an hour. Without having a camera with us.
Day 7
Day 6 walk today. Photo: archive. (The Hanoverian horse Hector, my favourite. A good jumper. ...ugly? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.)
Day 5 hydrant with tub hat...
Day 4 ... winterly temperatures came so fast that even toys were left behind when fleeing towards warm chimney fires in our houses...
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