Filmszenen I Andauernd. Early morning / evening strolls July 21 - sept 11, 2010
<-<- back to: Archive Early Morning Walks Day 1 - 30
Day 60
...gear upshift from today on...
->-> forward to 60 Early Morning / early evening runs.
...the second mountain from the left is Mount Guffert the highest mountain of the "first row" of the Alps. Coming from the rear side it´s possible to walk to the twin summit (the one in the background on the panorama pic we linked to ).
...village idyll once again...
Day 58
...a village with 13 tausend inhabitants and a sports ground floodlight system like at Madison Square Garden...
Day 57 see day 50.
Day 56
...our local indoor public swimming pool.
Day 55
..evening air clearly smells like snow and smoke from wood fires ...the colour of the mountains has changed from blue to white...
Day 54

Day 53
...Why do competition riders always look somehow as if they needed a plastic night bit for their theeth to stop them from bruxism? ...
Day 52
....we interrupt this broadcast for a short advertising pop - up:
... for half a decade now behind this golden window we are producing in peace and quiet all the heartbreaking touching and tear squeezing scenes that you can read and listen to on our enthralling weblog: ...
(ok.,o.k. I see you didn´t catch the irony...)
Day 51
....Backpack, crawling with his last power reserve towards his bike ...
Where is the 28-gear Scott Shimano ? Presumably on the back of a truck en route to Poland ... stolen.
Day 50
No walk today. Reason: vertical.

If the person really manages to hold her body weight with one hand only. Of course. This is supposed to be a basic skill if you´re an active sports climber.
Day 49
..If we are feeling during a step that we are losing balance towards one side, it is sufficient to bend a little bit the knee of the leg on which are touching ground. - The effect is: we swing back to the central axis - like a weeble ...
Day 48
....meteorologists are expecting 80 liters rain per square meter during the upcoming days...With other words: we are expecting a diluvian...
Day 47
The little white spots are the tents of the biggest Polo-Event of the year. On the horizon in the far rear: The Karwendel Mountains, steep and wild like high mountains.
Day 46
Day 45
Oktoberfest time ist approaching - the Ladies have to arm themselves with Dirndl...
Day 44...afraid, green light won´t help so much...
Day 43 walk today. reason .. lazyness. Yess.
Day 42
...the green, green grass of....
Day 41
Day 40
..oh oh oh -the balloon is losing altitude a bit too fast...
Day 39 idyll village edge...
..nostalgic garden terms of taste exeeded only by German garden dwarfs.. walk today. reason: our weekly vertical sports date. the photo is not taken in Disneyland. This is real. Gmund at lake Tegern (Tegernsee), the yellow building in the background is the railway station.
Day 35
.. trash can brothers...(source segregated recycling is obligatory in Bavaria)
Day 32
..a little bit of beer and live music on main street as long as it´s blocked for traffic...
Day 31
other people in the park...
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