Filmszenen I Andauernd. Archive Early morning / evening strolls: Day 1 - 10
Day 30
photo: archive. weather: rain.
We caught up the following day.
Day 29
..footwalk to the station....
Day 28
Dogwalking. Comme il faut.
..a little village street. The main traffic route Munic - Tegernsee valley with tousands of cars a day again , when road works will be finished...
Day 26
Day 25
...and heaven had mercy: sun!...
Day 24
...people start guessing it might not be land rain it´s supposed to be monsun...
Day 23
This pitter and patter and beating, spattering drives me mad...
- obivously our perseverant land rain doesn´t affect everybodys mood for the worse; this little painter in a neighbourhood villa looks quite pleased with what he´s doing..
....beginning from tomorow we will start at 8 p.m. instead of 9. p.m. - end of daylight is shifting...
Day 22
Guilty of having skipped our walk of the day. Excuse: indoor sports (vertical). Pic: Archive. ..a nice, clean, tidy, orderly place in this world´s chaos. No guests? This is our cinema pub and the film is running at the moment. Which? A movie with Robin Wright Penn. Pippa Lee.
Day 21
...warm summer evenings were yesterday.
Day 20
...there´s a everybodys...
...Jesus, Mary and - right - Joseph!
...the eternal light seen through the church window of St. Joseph of whose choir we are proud members of the soprano voice section...
Day 19
...rear window....
Day 18
...René Magritte?...
Day 17
...a corner of the local golf course and a spanish Finca on the hilltop?
.... No, the local sleigh hill for children and the mansion of a local craftsman. We have a saying: Craftsmanship is built on golden ground.
Day 16 ...two pics today. we still think of slightly bending our knees with each step, putting the heel first to the floor, rolling the sole carefully from heel to toe..? - We´re not in "Mr Hobbs takes a vacation" ? - No, we´re not, but we won´t neither tell you the cattle are supposed to be barn swallows......although, if we think it over, - there were some, flying around...
Day 15

..went to bed at 6 p.m. for just a short nap - woke up 6 a.m. next day. No evening walk on day 15.
Day 14, interested in sports...
Day 13
- what do you mean - sheps?
The animals. Sheps. The person taking care of them is the sheperd. so the animals are sheps. - git. the right word is sheep.
Day 12
Day 11 ...had to go a earlier that day. 9 p.m. indoor sports (vertical).
Day 10
...walking in the rain. sun - only painted. (on the gate of our Montessori Kindergarten)...
Day 9
...again one of our world famous bavarian nine o´clock thunderstorms - it´s raining cats and dogs...
Day 8
...rural land-use alongside main streets...
Day 7
... backyard idyll...
Day 6
...strange bavaria blue-white objects landed in the twilight hour on the lawn of the local swimming hall. They seem to be waiting for something ...
Day 5
Sunset - without Boulevard. A view towards the northwestern "suburbs" of Holzkirchen .
Day 4
...stormy weather ... and at nine p.m. still thunder cold and rain.
We´ll shift our walk to tomorrow morning 6 a.m. - with photo proof...
Day 4,5:
..early morning walk. This is how people live here. No. Kidding. This is a 200 year old farm house in our street converted into a mansion with mediterranean touch...
Day 3 ..had to start a little earlier, thunder and lightning rolling constantly along the horizon...awaiting a rainstorm any moment...

Day 2.
The big 200 years old beech alley leading to the south edge of our village...
This is a documentary on 60 nine p.m. evening half hour walks on a daily basis. Maybe it´s a stimulus for other people in other places of the world to join at the same time or a little later....
We started today, for a warm up.
Interesting, we didn´t know a lot of people go for an evening walk at 9 p.m. instead of looking TV - men, women, children, joggers, girls, dog walkers, bicyle riders with and without children and from time to time even a car. coming back from the two nearby horse riding schools. It´s just a small woodside path, but it´s nearly as crowded as a harbour promenade on a mediterranean island.
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