Filmszenen I Andauernd...90 walks from Feb 15, 2011 until May 15, 2011
May 18th
pic pic shows woman with green blouse, mp3-earplugs , red eyeglasses and photo camera in her hands, all reflected in the glass of a private house window on a sunny warm spring day
....forgot the walks?, forgot publishing pics?, lost interest...??? no, none of all. Pics to come, maybe even today...our addressee obivously ran around in the bush during the last three weeks, so no harm...
Day 60 ... exeption: indoor pic: the organ loft of St. Josef, the site of our ministry. (pic shows soloists rehearsing)
rehearsal and performance of the passion oratory by John Stainer, 1877: Passion and crucifixion of Christ. Choir of St. Josef, Holzkirchen.
Part from the rehearsal "Geh mit hinauf" "Fling wide the gates"-> (Quicktime .mov, sound only)
performed by a professional choir, on youtube, ->
complete text of the oratory-> in older times, before the invention of movies, it was received like an acoustically presented film.
the goose bumps spot:-->
Day 59
Day 58 ...ginster bushes blooming everywhere around now...
left: yellow blossoming ginster shrub , right: spot of grey pavement, back: green field, blue sky.
Day 57 zero degree celsius. April, each year unwilling to give way to spring and summer...
Day 56
dramatic "van Ruisdael" netherlandish painting sky
Day 40 typical suburban houses |
red roofs and white houses densely packed in a row seen from a first floor window
Day 39 natural wood stack holders |
a stack of logs piled up between tree trunks holding the stack left and right
Day 38 house in a country landscape |
Day 37
no photo today.
Day 36 ..rococo village church |
left: trees without leaves, middle: red roof of a church, apsis, tower with onion roof on top, front brown white village houses with saddle roofs.
Day 35 ..springtime II! |
..corner of a garden, left: bushes, middle: dark green bushy little trees yellow flowers in a patch, back right: fence, front right: lawn with shadows
Day 34 ..springtime!.. |
front; lilac flowers on green grass in our foregarden.back: horizontal beam of a wooden fence
Day 33 bright and clean day bright and clean main street |
Day 32 nice facade ornament |
left: corner front of an old business house with a niche, middle: red brown statue RH style of a goose dealer with a basket, front middle: upper part of an oldfashioned street lantern, right upper part: blue sky
Day 31 pleasure trip of the red cross dog squadron |
group of people in red grey uniforms red cross helpers from the nearby highway A8 walking in a row on the sidewalk
Day 30 average grey rather weatherless day |
left: tree, green meadows, front right: dark green hedge, very right: part of a bavarian old big farm house with green window shutters |
Day 29
...walked around a lot - without camera...
Day 28 ...first proof of spring
front left: trunk of a big old tree, right: garden lawn completely sprinkeled with white and lilac flowers; back: wooden fence; front very left: a few fence poles
Day 27 .....public furnishing ...
Front and back: two orange-white striped huge tons alonside a side street (left, bright and dark grey) to prevent cars from driving too fast. ...but put far enough aside that cars can pass fastly. right: green meadow with rests of dirty snow, back right: wooden house with wooden garden fence ; left: garden hedges, trees
Day 26
front: advertising pillar of our local cinema with yellow poster "The King´s Speech" , middle: parking lot, back : green historical house with hipped roof
Day 25 ...local coffee shop looking like a chinese restaurant...
front: ornamented iron garden fence italian style, wickerwork chairs and tables, back: wooden oldfashionedwindows with a coffering, on top a chinese looking red green poster advertising lunch meals
Day 24 ... romantic waterside perspective without snow. Yes. ....springtime coming...
front green water of river Mangfall; right middle: rverside embankment with white and yellow red roofed houses; left middle: grey arc bridge over the river; middle, in the water: little wooden boathouse; upper left: branches of a tree.
Day 23... modern stagecoach station for horseless carriages...
front left, blue: entrance sign; front right: blue pole indicating prices for gas; back: green yellow lights of OMV gas station
Day 22 ...Man In A Tree...
Front: garden fence; middle: apple tree with man in blue sweater on a nearly invisible ladder, cropping branches, back: front of a private house
Day 21....night temperatures minus eight, afternoon temperatures plus 12 - a temperature difference of...aargh! as soon as it´s warmer people mount their bikes....
front asphalt street, middle: garden fences, two young girls with their mountain bikes, back: dark brown bavarian wooden paneled houses
Day 20 ...milky winter afternoon sunset light....
silhouette of trees and houses against a sunset sky.
Day 19 . our carnival´s sunday. Carnival´s parade.
Day 18 ... typically German: sweeping the sidewalk in front of the house on saturday afternoon.
front: fence, middle:man sweeping the driveway, back: industrialized concrete building
Day 17 camera low battery. No kidding. true.
Day 16 no walk today
Day 15 ..misty late winter morning...
front: field, middle: white sun reflection on a street and on the roofs of riding halls Thann, back: hills with skyline of spruce trees
Day 14
Day 13... monumental portrait of a high-tension line pole in a romantically misty afternoon
middle: high-tension line pole, back: misty landscape with silhouettes of fir wood trees and a roofs of farmhouses
Day 12 ..our local ADFC racing cycle equippe starting for a very small training unit of 80 kilometres ...
Day 11 .... blue sky, always worth mentioning....
Day 10 ... rush hour in our main street...
front: cars in a traffic jam, left and right: typical bavarian small town houses, back: maypole
Day 09... blue skies but bloody cold..
front: old big tree, back: typically bavarian farm houses
Day 08
....and new snow..
front: fence, tree with nesting box, back: snowy landscape
Day 07 again...
Day 06
..powdery ball bushes out there in a winterly garden...
front: living room window, middle: piece of a snowy garden wish bushes, garden seats, back: garden hedge
Day 05
Day 04 ...our local mall.
front: sidewalk with bridge railing, middle: nowhere area, back: new mall HEP.
Day 03 No walk today. photo: archive.
Rokoko Church by Johann Baptist Zimmermann in Guenzburg, our hometown
Day 02 no walk today. photo: archive.
landscape with silhouettes of trees and a bavarian onion roof church tower on the horizon, sunbeams breaking through the clouds.
Day 01. February fog.
front: bush, road, fence back: fog.
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