Filmszenen I Andauernd - 60 Early morning/early evening runs Sept 12 - Nov 12, 2010
Day 60 Friday, Nov12th. , 2010
...this morning it was very stromy and so we thought it might be a better idea to take the train instead this bikeway...good decision - see the tree fallen right across the path..?
Day 59B (garden-)hell...
Day 59
..our Benediktenwand (Benedict Wall)....of course a teeny weeny nothing in a dwarfs world when compared to a grandezza like this ...
Day 58
Day 57
...the elegant mountain peak in the center is peak Brecher (Brecherspitz ) the last mountain in "our" valley. Left of it another group of mountains the wild steep adventure-filled wonderful Rofan group...
Day 54
...autumn afternoon in our neighbourhood village Otterfing...
Day 53
..that´s how it looks like on a normal autumn day in Holzkirchen, Oberbayern at high noon...
Day 52 we are now facing the problem of winter time sunset at 17:00hrs, we have to shift our little daily jogging circular route to our high noon lunch break - aaargh!! effort instead of eating -
pic shows: ...pleasurable subtext stratos of a halloween theme...
Day 51
...a looooong holiday walk with the older sister.....Day 50
Day 49
Day 48
...had our share of solidarity outdooring, but no cam with us. so - photo: archive
Day 47
Day 46
...passed this spot certainly a tousand times, never discovered this real old farmhouse behind our neobavaresque country house style palaces...
Day 45
Day 44
..left or right?..
Day 43
Day 42 we spent our evening morning, Sunday: November is approaching the month Christians think of their ancestors.
Day 41
foreground: autumn harvest. background: winter creeping down the mountains. directly left of the trunk of the tree our Blue Mountains (Blauberge) with Halserspitz (peak halser)
Day 40:
Day 39
Day 38
...looked a lot like snow line will be sinking soon to 500 m above sea level. (Holzkirchen is 696 m above s.l.) morning - the first snow of the year....(impressions a few days earlier from 700m)
Day 37
..nobody can say he couldn´t find this house because of poor entrance illumination ...
Day 36
...sunday morning in a city park in Munich...why not evening? Evening: cinema.
Day 35
...out, out, nature´s calling!...
Day 34
...still sick. gastro-intestinal virus infection.
Had a short walk instead...
Day 33
no walk today. Sick .
Day 32
today: no walk. photo: archive
Day 31
...autumnal pleasures...
Day30 they look down on us ...?
Day 29
Day 28
...Heaven´s Burning....
Day 27 skip our evening run in the mellow air of a golden early autumn evening wasn´t one of our best ideas, today it´s most uncomfortable, wet cold and fog all around...
Day 26 far as we know, making cell phone calls on horseback is no offense against highway code...
Day 25 today: vertical . ..autumnleaves...
Day 24
...soaked to the skin...evian weather...
Day 23...on the horizon: Wallberg mountain near lake Tegern(Tegernsee), popular starting point for paragliders ...
Day 22
....stiff walking. A suprising thing - the two elderly ladies stopped and turned to watch...
Day 21
...stipate herd of plastic cattle - maybe they are cold...?
Day 20
...and your opinion as an expert tracker?
How many men, how many horses? When did they pass by and what are the names of father and mother of the second horse from left?
Day 19
Yes yes yes we are heroes - but not every day and not all the time. Ten degrees celsius and drizzling rain. It´s like a bottle of evian water being sprayed into your face - from the first to the last drop over a time period of fourty minutes…
today: vertical. photo: archive.
Day 17
Day 16 ...chicken enjoying time off work in the Bavarian outback...
Day 15
..fifteen days to go until Holzkirchner Marktlauf... joggers flock together wearing garments with inscriptions of their local training groups....
Day 14

...What does deer and the jogger have in common? The white mirror on the derrier.
Day 13
...thunderstorm approaching, filled with thunder and lightning...damn..
Day 12
Day 11 vertical.
Day 10
....along the wood...
Day 9
...joggers everywhere: the Holzkirchen Markt-Run is approaching, people we only knew from sitting in their cars and houses are training...
Day 8
Day 7
yes we skipped our evening jogging, but we did it this morning.
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
..busy streets...
Day 3
...competition never sleeps....
Day 02
Day 01
...aha, there is already someone running...
(we´ll join on a daily basis at 18:30 hrs CET - as you can see: daylight is short - sunset time...)
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