Filmszenen I Projektfortgang V - Mai - Juni 2013
..can´t believe it´s mid of May already time is fleeting and madness takes it´s toll
they really drive you insane those paintings if your muse is not kissing you and you have to go on working. It´s as hard as continually trying to solve Stochastik exercises or trying to understand Hegel´s theory. Time has come I wish I´ve had an academic education as a graphic artist. Without it´s like wading in two feet of cow shit.
posters for living room walls usually are sold in do-it-yourslf markets and look like this: - the correctness of elipses and angles is even much worse, but people buy it...
..erstmal alles wieder monochrom zukleistern und dann die Kontraste nochmal rausholen..
May 30, 2013
.."Bilder einer Ausstellung":
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