Donnerstag, Juli 05, 2007

Filmszenen I Film-Tipp: H2O II - The Trojan Horse.

Heino Ferch - Christian Kruse. Regie: Charles Binamé 2006-2007

"H2O (Part II): - The Trojan Horse "

(Screening / Sneak Preview / Premiere des Films

auf den Medientagen NRW ("Großes Fernsehen ") am Montag, den 18. Juni 20:00 – 21:30 Uhr, 21:45 – 23:15 Uhr im
Cinedom Black Box Gelände Rheinmesse Rheinparkhalle)

The Trojan Horse. Heino Ferch - Christian Kruse

Inhalt / Story line:

Auf der Suche nach den Mördern ihres Sohnes kommt die Journalistin Helen (Greta Scacchi) einem Komplott auf die Spur, das das Machtgefüge der Welt verändern könnte.

Der kanadische Ex-Präsident McLaughlin (Paul Gross) hat den Anschluss an die USA betrieben – um selbst US-Präsident zu werden.

Mit der Hilfe seiner Ex-Frau (Martha Burns), einer nicht minder machthungrigen texanischen Politikerin, will er gegen den amtierenden US-Präsidenten (Tom Skerritt) antreten.

Dabei schreckt er auch nicht vor einem inszenierten Attentatsversuch und Wahlfälschung zurück.

Helen kommt einem internationalen Coup auf die Spur, bei dem auch europäische Geheimdienste eine Rolle spielen.

Am Ende muss McLaughlin für seine Skrupellosigkeit bezahlen, aber die Gerechtigkeit siegt trotzdem nicht.

Ein actionreicher und politisch brisanter Thriller, der viele aktuelle Probleme der Weltpolitik aufgreift.

The Trojan Horse. Teaser Film auf

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London. Journalist Helen Madigan is investigating the murder of a computer specialist who developed a ghost program intended to manipulate elections.

She, too, is soon pursued by cold-blooded killers who seem to be working for an alliance of secret services.

Strangely, the ghost program contains within it the name of Tom McLaughlin, the last Canadian Prime Minister before Canada's fusion with the United States.

With U.S. Presidents Stanfield intent on invading Saudi Arabia for its oil, McLaughlin runs for the U.S. presidency as a peace candidate.

Fearing that the CIA is planning to rig the next elections, Helen meets with McLaughlin to warn him, but realizes that he, and not the U.S. government, is behind the ghost program.

And that he is the flesh-and-blood "Trojan Horse" that is about to take over the White House with the backing of various European secret services...

Quelle: EOS Entertainment

Besetzung (Quelle imdb):

Credited cast:
John Benfield .... Inspector Hafferty

Brian Bisson .... Kott's aide
Richard Blackburn .... Admiral Vinson
Christopher Bondy .... Air Force Chief of Staff
Martha Burns .... Mary Miller
Greg Campbell .... Oliver Mighton
Shawn Campbell .... Derek Bettis
Susan Coyne .... Kate Morgan
Rachael Crawford .... Coleen Howell
Neil Dainard .... Billy Archer
Heino Ferch .... Christian Kruse
Donal Foley .... Lt. Colonel Booker
David Fox .... Jackson
George Ghali .... Terrorist

Briony Glassco .... Mrs. Mighton
Paul Gross .... Thomas David McLaughlin
Anna Hardwick .... Female Lawyer
Graham Harley .... Varley

Allan Hawco .... Christie Berger
William Hutt .... Miles Fortnum
Darren Hynes .... Jason Virk
Clark Johnson .... John Neelon
Joe Matheson .... Governor of Texas
Stephen McHattie .... Jack Shea
Sherry Miller .... Finola Halliwell
Marty Moreau .... Event Ambassador
Guy Nadon .... Marc Lavigne

Paulino Nunes .... Prince Sultan Al Rashidi
Jean Pearson .... Yves Bardot
Karl Pruner .... Charles Preston
Jeff Pustil .... Deaver

Julian Richings .... Barrie (CIA)

Kim Roberts .... Nurse

Saul Rubinek .... Rafe Kott
Elizabeth Saunders .... Mrs. Virk
Greta Scacchi .... Helen Madigan

Tom Skerritt .... President Stanfield
Jonathan Soja .... Sam Lewinsky

Kenneth Welsh .... Randall Spear
Scott Wentworth .... CIA Director

Elizabeth Whitmere .... Naomi
Stephen Lee Wright .... Army General

Jean Yoon .... Ambassador Li
Joseph Ziegler .... Don Bowden (as Joe Ziegler)
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Der Film H2O I war 2007 für einen Oscar, Sparte "Bester ausländischer Film" nominiert. (Der Oscar ging an Deutschland: "Das Leben der Anderen" mit Koch, Mühe, Gedeck.)

Part II "The Trojan Horse" befindet sich noch in der Postproduktion. Erhältlich im Handel (amazon-Canada) ist Part I von 2003-2004:

The Trojan Horse - DVD Cover

Trailer des Films /trailer of the movie H2O I->->

offical homepage of the movie/zur offiziellen Homepage des Films->->


On the eve of testy discussions with the U.S., Canada’s Prime Minister is killed in an accident.

While investigating his father’s death, Tom (Paul Gross) reveals that it was no accident – unfolding a scenario of hidden agendas, betrayal, murder and a shocking plot to sell one of Canada’s most valuable resources – water!

Written by Paul Gross and John Cruzan, this 3 hour film is a gripping political thriller with an ending that will leave viewers breathless.

Co-starring Leslie Hope, Guy Nadon, Martha Henry, Gordon Pinsent, Heino Ferch and more.

Regie: Charles Binamé

Picture of Charles Binamé

(Charles Binamé
ist auch der Regisseur von "Hunt for Justice - The Louis Arbour Story")

Hintergrundinformationen, Interviews, Charaktere, Plot. ->->

Die DVD Part I ist erhältlich bei Part II ist in Postproduktion (Feb.07)->>

Quelle Beitrag:

Awards (Quelle imdb)

  • Awards
  • Nominations
    • Directors Guild of Canada:
      DGC Craft Award for Outstanding Achievement in Direction - Television Movie/Mini-Series,
      Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Television Movie/Mini-Series, Outstanding Achievement in Production Design - Television Movie/Mini-Series,
      Outstanding Achievement in Picture Editing - Television Movie/Mini-Series

    • Gemini Awards:
      Gemini for Best Sound in a Dramatic Program,
      Best Writing in a Dramatic Program or Mini-Series,
      Best Dramatic Mini-Series,
      Best Costume Design,
      Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting Role in a Dramatic Program or Mini-Series