Dienstag, Dezember 07, 2010

Filmszenen I Produktionsfortschritt Apr 2013 Teil 3

Ist da ein sichtbarer Unterschied?

stärkerer Kontrast im Higrd.

21:50 ...decided to stop working on this one until after saturday -  too much work to do to get it in a presentable state, others are easier to finish....

April 10:
the billboard colums, took pics of a few oft them on my way: 
direct neighbour on the column Robbie Williams and - unlucky- my last ex who plays a part in the local amateur theatre play "Otello mustn´t burst apart" Otello darf nicht platzen. could also mean Otello has to take place at all events. Won´t watch it the ex is the worst actor I ever had the displeasure to witness. 

on most columns it´s placed in the lower part of the column which is good, because columns are for pedestrians, not for cars and footwalker usually look slightly downward when walking and   their gaze is - oops, what´s that!- caught by the  only neon orange poster on the column. 

Orange cookies in sky blue boxes. Added coloured Background

Apr 11 : der Versuch, die Granita aufzupeppen, zieht sich hin. Fehler zu verbessern ist schwieriger als ganz neu malen....

..die gute alte Magiernummer : die Aufmerksamkeit des Publikums auf eine bestimmte Stelle (Kirschen) lenken, damit eine andere nicht bemerkt wird. (Glas schief)

April 12, Friday. ...was? Ist das alles? Nur die zwei doofen Kirschen? - und in der Druckerei gewesen, Flyer, Visitenkarten, bla bla. and a few hours of Hoover w/o...

Cocktail Vitaminee. 

uglier? but it´s nicely multicoloured now. background green hasn´t changed camera is old now. 

April 14, sunday. only made it to continue one singel pic, the cheese cake with raspberry sauce on a dark blue stoneware plate

besides I had to update the homepage: www.kitchenart.de exchange old and new pics and build up a price list. 

Apriil 16 this one will go to the exhibition today no matter if it´s finished or not. at least looks like nearly  finished 

Cake chunks are sprinkled with powdered sugar now and raspberries start getting tasty.

14: 18 pm GER + I declare this bridge opened. I declare this painting finished  - for the time being. Its full of mistakes, but time pressure conquers perfection now. Ready is : with signature Glaser 2013 the first painting after a pause of eight years. EIGHT.